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  • Why Low Risk?
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    The 7 Main Steps to a Business Website

  • 1. Make a Plan
  • 2. Get a www.yourdomain.com
  • 3. Get hosting for your site
  • 4. Get your site built
  • 5. Get your site ready-to-sell
  • 6. Advertise your site
  • 7. Get Paid

    Low Risk Businesses

  • Affiliates

  • E-books

  • Ebay/Auctioning

  • Online Storefronts

  • Networking/MLM

    Other Low Risk Businesses

  • Cleaning Business

  • Talent Booking Business

  • Medical Billing Business

  • Day Care Center Business

  • Office Cleaning Business

  • Getting Government Grants

  • Buying Foreclosures

  • Cell Phone Recycling Business

    Resources and Links

  • Small Business Resources

  • Web Resources

  • Other Resources

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  • Step 7 - Get Paid (What to Expect):

    This is where I screwed up the first 2 times I went into business. I expected my business to "jump up and hug me" and sales were just going to rain from the skies! Wrong.

    Being in business (at a low investment) is about baby steps (albeit, you can take baby steps very quickly if you try...). My advice: The first thing to try to get out of your advertising is HITS. Not Sales.

    Hits will LEAD to sales, but you have to have hits first. Just getting hits will be a challenge and a constant struggle, so be prepared for it. When I started on the Internet last year, I started off getting about 40 targeted hits a day. Or 1200 a month. I was thrilled! And I should have been. I was actually getting over 1,000 people I didn't know to visit my website in one month.

    I don't know if you'll get 40 targeted hits a day like I did in the beginning. You may only get 5. You may get 100. Whatever you get, you have to accept it as a starting point, then set goals to improve it each week. Each month. If its 5, that's OK, try to get it up to 10. If 3 months pass, and you're still at 5, that is still OK. You have to go back and re-think what could get you more targeted hits.

    Your first major goal per web page should be 100 hits. When you reach this, give yourself a pat on the back. You've accomplished something important. Now you know you can do this again and again.

    Your second major goal per web page is 1000 hits. That will pretty much tell you what your conversion rate is.

    Your conversion rate is the percentage of sales to hits (i.e. 1 sale out of 100 hits is 1% and that's the approximate Internet Average). A good page/product will convert at 2% or higher from my experience.

    If you got your 1000 hits divide the number of sales you got by it. 10 sales for 1000 is the average. 20 and you're doing well. What really matters here is how much you spent for the advertising of those 1000 hits. If you took my advice, you should have averaged 5 cents or less per hit ($50). If your total sales is higher than $50, than that should be a profit (minus hosting fees, which could be as low as $7 per month).

    If you're doing affliate marketing, and the number of sales for 1000 hits didn't cover the cost of the advertising, then you may consider dropping that affiliate and moving on to another. That's OK. Some affiliate banners and links don't always return a profit with targeted hits. It's like fishing in a lake and looking for the spot where they're biting.

    If you're doing something customized (your own website/product), and the number of sales for 1000 hits didn't cover the cost of the advertising, it will be tougher because of the personalization that went into your website. I've been through this and I know. You may consider freezing the traffic (for now) and expanding your website to market additional things. You have to look at this situation as something that will make you better and stronger. Try expanding with pages about related affiliated products and drive hits to them instead for a changeup. You can also consider dropping "generic keywords" and getting more better-targeted keywords. Sometimes a keyword is so general that you won't get the quality of visitors that are really truly interested in the particular thing your site markets. If the words were more specific, you'd get less hits but a more thorough visit from your customers who do visit.

    I use 1000 hits as a good goal for establishing a true conversion rate, but you can actually "get a feel" for the page with less hits, say 300. If you haven't seen any sales by then, ask yourself if you can improve something (your page layout, your page wording, your search listing header and description, etc.). You still need 1000 hits to really see whats happening. There are surges where the first 300 hits get nothing. Then WHAM! 4 sales with the next 100 hits. Happens all the time. You need patience while you're testing an affiliate or selling a product.

    If you DID make a profit from those 1000 hits, that product/page looks like a winner! You should consider increasing traffic to it by joining other pay-per-click engines, and try testing out higher bids for more hits.

    A winning product/page may justify bids of 25 cents, 50 cents, or even higher. It all depends on the conversion rate. If the conversion is high (5%), that means 1 out of every 20 hits is being converted to a sale. How much are you willing to pay for 20 hits? It's a "balancing act" that has to be fine-tuned over time. Once you get going some, you'll figure it all out and be able to tell when something is "working or not".

    This is what Internet marketing is all about. Its not too complicated. Like I said, it's like fishing.

    Envision it: The way that the Internet works, you only need about 2% of the people who visit your website to take an action to be successful.