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  • Why the Internet?
  • Why Low Risk?
  • Who Am I?
  • Why Should You?
  • Get a Free Income
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    The 7 Main Steps to a Business Website

  • 1. Make a Plan
  • 2. Get a www.yourdomain.com
  • 3. Get hosting for your site
  • 4. Get your site built
  • 5. Get your site ready-to-sell
  • 6. Advertise your site
  • 7. Get Paid

    Low Risk Businesses

  • Affiliates

  • E-books

  • Ebay/Auctioning

  • Online Storefronts

  • Networking/MLM

    Other Low Risk Businesses

  • Cleaning Business

  • Talent Booking Business

  • Medical Billing Business

  • Day Care Center Business

  • Office Cleaning Business

  • Getting Government Grants

  • Buying Foreclosures

  • Cell Phone Recycling Business

    Resources and Links

  • Small Business Resources

  • Web Resources

  • Other Resources

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  • Step 1 - The Plan: The most important part of making money on the Internet.

    I don't want to be cliche' here, but planning your success really is the most important part. I've seen it time and time again, where someone rushes into business, doesn't get very far, and then a few weeks later they're trying to figure out what went wrong. That old adage couldn’t be any truer:
    If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail.

    Never underestimate the power of the human brain. If you're brain thinks "I'm going to rush into this and get rich quick!", it won't really believe you, just like anyone else. Then when adversity hits, your brain will say "See? I told you this wouldn't happen for you!". On the other hand, if you tell your brain "I'm going to make a detailed plan for HOW I WILL succeed, WHY I will succeed, HOW MUCH I will earn, and by what dates this will happen", your brain will then say "OK boss. Lets do what we need to do and make this work." This is how it really is folks, trust me.

    The first part in making a plan is to decide what you really want and WHAT YOU TRULY BELIEVE YOU CAN GET. In other words, don't B.S. yourself. Don't say, "I want to be a millionaire this year", if deep down, you don't really think you can do it. I'm not a millionaire (yet :-) and I don't know if I can teach you how to become one. I do draw in a six-figure income from the internet, therefore I feel comfortable talking about it. What would you want that you can really believe?

    Would $100 a week from the Internet give you more belief that you could increase it? For some, it would only take 1 or 2 sales to make them believe and committ to what they're doing completely. Whatever your goal is, the important thing is that you believe you can do it and it motivates you to work at it continuously. If you're not sure what goal to set, but you do want to make money from the internet, set a modest goal of $100. Then when you've made your first $100 from the Internet, you'll believe that you can do it again and again.

    If your approach to an Internet income is "I really don't want to spend or invest hardly anything. I just want a few dollars and as my belief goes up, then I might spend something." I call this the "Bare Bones" approach. If that's your position, you're not alone. There's a few ways to draw income and spend nothing. Just be aware that this approach will limit you, and you should also fully understand your own reasons for taking this approach. If you really have nothing extra to put towards an Internet income, that's fine and totally understandable. Some of us may choose this approach because of the "fear of failure". Click here for more discussion about this.

    If you're approach is "I'm willing to invest some (under $2,000) because I really want to see a serious income as soon as I can", then you'll probably want to look at getting your own domain ($10), website ($20 or more depending), an official name for your company ($0 - $200 depending on what state you're in), and you'd probably want a business bank account at your local bank. I'll call this the "Full Business" approach.

    Bare Bones
    Here are ways to draw in an income without spending anything:

  • Get Paid to Take Surveys

  • Get Paid to Surf the Web Programs

  • Get Paid to Read Emails Programs

    You can start off joining things listed above and get a feel for the Internet while you're starting to generate income. As your comfort level grows, you should be able to do more serious things to build a larger income. Its also good to have an extra email account for business-related activities.

    Click here to get a free email account from Yahoo.

    Full Business

    If you want to go all the way and start your own Internet business, you'll probably need to follow Steps 2. - 6. listed on the UPPER left.

    The Plan for your business should answer the following questions:

  • What will I market and how will I be able to deliver it?
  • Will I need to maintain a supply or inventory?
  • Who are my customers?
  • Who are my competitors and how are they doing it?
  • What reason(s) will my customers have to buy from me instead of my competitors?
  • How will I advertise?
  • Have I tested the market for the costs of my advertising (Keywords)?
  • How will I measure my progress?
  • What can I expect?

    You will need honest answers to the questions above. These questions are critical. Neglecting one can hurt your level of success.

    Gauging the demand/competition: One of the things that I always do when I'm deciding whether or not to market something is to test the keyword demand of what I'll be marketing. For example, when I was considering selling mailing lists, I wanted to gauge how many people were interested and how many other competitors I would have. I used Overture's keyword tool and searched for "mailing list" to find that about 60,000 people per month searched for that term in Overture (including Yahoo, and Overture's other partners). I then compared that to searches of other keywords to gauge popularity and get a "feel" for it.

    I then did a search in Findwhat.com for mailing lists, and found that my website could be on the first page of rankings for a reasonable cost-per-click. I chose Findwhat instead of Overture to do my actual startup marketing because Findwhat has lower bids and a lower minimum (Overture's is ten cents per click minimum). Doing research like this will help you to see how significant your Internet competition is and where you can expect to rank in the search engines.

    Somewhere In Between You may feel that you're somewhere between the two approaches that I describe. You may be more serious than "spending nothing" and expecting money, but not completely willing to "start a full business". That's OK too. With affiliate marketing you can advertise other companies products for commissions, and do it all privately, with the checks being written to you personally. For this, you don't need a domain name, or your own website. There are companies that will give you a full page on the internet that advertises a product for you. Click here to read about one such opportunity.

    The fear of failure. Most people who want to try something where there are no guarantees hesitate because of this. What if it doesn't work? What if I lose my money? What if my family and friends tease me about this? These are all concerns that I had to deal with. Several times. My first 3 ventures into business didn't work out the way I wanted.

    You know what I think was different the fourth time? I was willing to succeed SLOWLY, or at my own pace I told myself that I had to dedicate myself to something other than my job and I was completely willing to embrace slow results. I was more realistic about business this time. I knew that the world wasn't going to beat a path to whatever I was doing and start showering me with money. I just wanted to accomplish something and get better every week.

    Here is some ammunition to help fight the fear of failure. Lower your risk. If your risk is low, then you can only lose so much. Internet marketing has other benefits anyway. You will still gain experience. You will still have webpages that you can promote. Just being "out there" is a major accomplishment that most people you know can't claim. Set realistic terms for your own success. Set a mark, and then work to improve it each month. Its all about baby steps. If an infant can defeat the fear of failure and learn to walk, you can too.
